What Our Homeowners Are Saying:

“I cannot thank you enough for all the work that you provided. Without your organization, I would never have been able to make the necessary repairs and improvements to my home.” – Blanche S., Hackensack

“[Everyone] went above and beyond not only to rebuild the structure of our home but to heal our hearts as well.” – Katrina G., Mahwah

“To all the wonderful caring volunteers who gave their time to come into our home to paint, install flooring, cabinets, doors, and much more, you’ve not only become our friends but part of our family as well.  Rebuilding Together has given us a start on our road to recovery. We will be forever grateful.” – Tom & Addie T., Moonachie, Superstorm Sandy victims

“Thanks to all of you for all your help, hard work, and completion of a beautiful Rebuilding Together job for our family! Little did we know when our home was chosen the impact it would have on us. It came at a time we were in need of ‘some uplifting’!” – Amy, Mark, Torin, & Jack S., Jody & Jack M., Ridgewood

” The day they came to our house and told us they were going to help us recover, it was like a ray of sunshine in a dark sky.” – 
Cliff M., Moonachie, Superstorm Sandy victims.